Here is my new blog on the internet. My website has been taken offline by uptight webhosts, 50webs.com. Feel free to complain in their open forums. After all, we use this internet for communication. ;)
I will be posting new videos here, please leave a comment.
Great to see u back VC :D
You need to use South Park Soundboard especially CARTMAN. Just a suggestion/
Awesome. Great to see shit has died down and you can finally get going with your videos.
you're jesus, quite obviously. keep it up.
Never stop! you have the best content on the web.
Cant wait for a new video man.
Awesome return my man. Eagerly anticipating Jurassic Park. NOTHING CAN STOP THE COMPILER!!
In the "VideoCompiler - We Shall Prevail" video, the blogspot link is wrong. You are missing an "O".
why dont you just use this place to host your videos?
or maybe these websites ...
or even better host them using filefront and then folks can download them and you can also embed them into your website.
My Dear goooooooooooooooooooood your take over!
Don't let YouTube keep you down. We sall always fight for your cause.
A great legend cannot be silenced
Good stuff. Way to go! That's what the Internet is all about. Whoever doesn't like it should try looking at the other 999,999,999 webpages out there are and stop bitching about this one person (entity?) which happens to entertain the Hell out of us.
Keep 'em coming. My advice, O Harrassment Leader: keep it coming, then write a book. THAT's when the money comes in. Now that pesky "Donate" begging is kinda annoying... unless of course you make a Harrassment video out of it!!!
Surely you can make Over 9000 dollars on a good book sale. Or maybe just enough for a Leather Belt! OOHHHHHH!
That Jurassic Park trailer has me so excited! I can't wait to see what you do with it.
You should try a Sam Jackson soundboard. Although, that's a little cliche. Whatever, just keep on doing what you're doing!
We shall follow you into darkness without question. Kneel before your leader that is Video Compiler, and you shall have victory. We cannot be stopped. The takeover will not be stopped. All those who oppose us shall fall by our hands.
P.S. Ive been looking for the "Balls of Steel" wav for the past week and cant find it. Is their anyway you can make it public? Thanks in advance.
No matter how much the internet keeps you down, You always come back completely uneffected, And more often then not more famous, You're achieving what my long dead idle piconjo could not. Keep it up and soon the internet will be bowing before your feet.
You can come molest my house anyday. Best videos ever!!
How many people have actually been stupid enough to give you money?
I haven't donated. Paying for lulz is bullshit.
Dont Stop Your Videos are great
A suggestion. Legend of zelda? Super Smash Bros. (melee). Guitar Hero II?
I love your videos man, seriously, me and a friend have gotten a great deal of amusement, (not hours of amusement... like days weeks..)keep up the good work and were eagerly waiting for more!
You went viral in no time! Gratz. j00 put teh funnah in mah tummeh!
wellcome back :)
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